International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) <p>International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online)</p> <p>2717-7076 Online ISSN</p> <p>Publisher: Çorum: Ocerint -International Organization Center of Academic Research</p> Çorum: Ocerint -International Organization Center of Academic Research en-US International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) 2717-7076 FEATURES OF STUDYING PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN THE METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING RFL (RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE) IN UZBEKISTAN <p><span class="fontstyle0">The article proves the inclusion of Russian language phraseology in the course.<br>The training program at the preparatory faculties provides a comprehensive study of<br>language and culture. This knowledge of Russian as a foreign language increases and<br>expands.</span> </p> U.K. Baisov Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) 2024-03-17 2024-03-17 4 2 МЕТОДЫ РАЗВИТИЯ ЯЗЫКОВОЙ ГРАМОТНОСТИ У СТУДЕНТОВ МУЗЫКАЛЬНОГО ПРОФИЛЯ <p>Данное исследование рассматривает методики развития русской языковой компетенции у студентов музыкального образования. Целью работы является выявление эффективных стратегий и методов обучения, способствующих улучшению уровня владения русским языком у студентов музыкальных учебных заведений. Исследование базируется на анализе современных педагогических подходов к обучению русскому языку, а также учете специфики музыкального образования. В работе рассматриваются различные методики, включая игровые подходы, использование музыкальных средств в обучении языку, интеграцию культурно-художественных материалов.</p> З.А. Калонова Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) 2024-04-23 2024-04-23 4 2 НЕКОТОРЫЕ ПРИЕМУЩЕСТВА И НЕДОСТАТКИ В ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ СЕПТИКОВ <p>Септик&nbsp;— это важная часть локальных канализационных систем, которые монтируют на загородных участках и используют для очищения сточных вод, сливаемых из частных домов, коттеджей и малоэтажных построек. С ростом популярности загородного образа жизни увеличивается и распространение разных септиков.</p> Г.К. Абдиганиева К.У. Сарсенгалиева Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 4 2 LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL ASPECTS OF STUDYING THE GENRE OF FAIRY TALES IN FOLKLORE <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article analyzes linguistic and cultural features of fairy tales</span> </p> F.N. Jalolova Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 4 2 FUNCTIONAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL STATE OF SMALL INTESTINAL CELLS IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMOTOID ARTHRITIS <p><span class="fontstyle0">This review is devoted to characterizing the cause of the risk of damage to the<br>small intestine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. One of the urgent problems of modern<br>medicine is the defeat of the small intestine in rheumatoid arthritis. The issues of prevalence<br>and risk factors of chronic gastrointestinal disease are considered. The small intestine is<br>affected in rheumatoid arthritis more often than it is diagnosed. As a result, early diagnosis<br>of lesions of the small intestine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis has an important<br>clinical and prognostic value. Possible morphological variants and mechanisms of damage<br>to the small intestine are also considered. In rheumatoid arthritis, the occurrence of a<br>chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract depends primarily on the duration of the disease<br>and the nature of the inflammatory process. These data are fully confirmed at the present<br>time. The problem of damage to the small intestine in rheumatoid arthritis is poorly<br>understood and requires further research.</span> </p> M.M. Boltaeva Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 4 2 CHRONIC RHINITIS IN ADULTS <p><span class="fontstyle0">Many adult Uzbekistans suffer from chronic rhinitis; however, the precise number<br>is unknown because to the difficulty in accurately diagnosing the condition and the<br>likelihood of overlap syndromes, such as perennial allergic rhinitis, perennial nonallergic<br>rhinitis with eosinuphilici, as well as "vasomotor rhinitis". </span> </p> U. Lutfullaev M. Alikulova Sh. Boriev I. Yakhoev X. Maxamov Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) 2024-04-03 2024-04-03 4 2 INDEPENDENCE AND ETIQUETTE OF DEPUTY OF LOCAL COUNCIL OF KARAKALPAKSTAN <p><span class="fontstyle0">In this thesis, the issues related to the integrity and ethics of the deputies of the<br>local councils of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, as defined by the law, are analyzed in<br>detail. Also, the theoretical views of scientists regarding the immunity and ethics of the<br>deputy were analyzed.</span> </p> G.Dj. Mambetnazarov Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) 2024-04-23 2024-04-23 4 2 MORPHOHISTOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HYPERTROPHY OF THE PHARYNGEAL TONSILS IN CHILDREN IN THE AGE ASPECT <p><span class="fontstyle0">Relevance: The term "adenoid" refers to a nonphysiological enlargement of the<br>nasopharyngeal tonsil and is the most common cause of nasal obstruction in children.<br>Hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils can cause hearing loss, the development of<br>inflammatory processes in the ear and throat, speech disorders, and in especially severe<br>cases, delayed speech and mental development, the formation of malocclusion, and<br>pathological changes in the voice.</span> </p> I.I. Abdusamatova G.E. Tastanova D.F. Shimsiev Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 4 2 MOTIVE IN CRIMES COMMITTED BY WOMEN AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN PREVENTION OF CRIMES <p><span class="fontstyle0">in this article, the author conducted a retrospective analysis of crimes committed<br>by women and their motive, formation, uniqueness, facts and ideas of scientists in this<br>regard. The author studied the approaches to the emergence of women's motivation and its<br>evaluation, and proposed proposals for the development of the science of criminology in<br>Uzbekistan in this regard.</span> </p> K.O. Mirshaeva Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) 2024-04-23 2024-04-23 4 2 THE IMPORTANCE OF PHRASEOLOGY <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article analyzes phraseology as a key aspect of language that involves the<br>study of how words combine into fixed or flexible units.</span> </p> B.B. Eshtukhtarova Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 4 2 ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ СОВРЕМЕННЫХ МЕТОДОВ ТРАДИЦИОННОЙ И СПУТНИКОВОЙ ГЕОДЕЗИИ ДЛЯ НАБЛЮДЕНИЙ ЗА ПРОЦЕССОМ СДВИЖЕНИЯ ЗЕМНОЙ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ НА ГОРНЫХ ПРЕДПРИЯТИЯХ <p style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 1.0cm; line-height: 150%; margin: 3.75pt -.05pt 3.75pt 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; line-height: 150%; color: black;">При исследовании геодинамических процессов с применением GPS-технологий, в основном используются два пространственно-временных режима - разовое переопределение исходных координат пунктов ГГС и опорных геодезических сетей, и измерение величин смещений и деформаций в мониторинговом режиме. Наиболее часто при выполнении продолжительных исследований находит применение комбинированный режим, когда при выполнении нулевого цикла работ переопределяются исходные координаты реперов наблюдательной станции, а при выполнении последующих циклов измерений определяются смещения и деформации, произошедшие за определенный период времени [1].</span></p> И.Ю. Сохибов Copyright (c) 2024 International journal of conference series on education and social sciences (Online) 2024-04-04 2024-04-04 4 2